Pre-Nursery Overview

We are proud of our family-like atmosphere where our caring and passionate teachers help students build a strong foundation in social, pre-academic and general life skills that will give them a leg up in school and beyond.

Located at our 109 Campus, our International Pre-Nursery section follows a thematic based curriculum with English as the primary language of instruction, supported by daily Chinese lessons. Specialist classes include daily phonics and Mandarin classes as well as music, physical education, arts and crafts.

Core Curriculum

Student centered approach is implemented in SJC. diversified learning and teaching methodologies are adapted to suit the diverse personalities and needs of our students. The approaches of learning and teaching are as follows:


To teach students how to interact and empathize with one another. It is how to ensure students feel good about themselves and their relationships. When students learn a social curriculum they are socially aware and emotionally intelligent


To teach students to identify, understand, and manage their own emotions and feelings. This allows them to express themselves effectively, set positive goals, and develop empathy, which is necessary to be able to recognize and understand the feelings and emotions of others.


Students must reflect on their learning, they are given the opportunity to form connections between the information they knew before and new information, resulting in a deeper understanding of new information.

Gross Motor Skills

Students are refining their balance, strength, muscle endurance and coordination. By nurturing these skills in our students, we: Promote long-lasting health. Encourage physical literacy.

Fine Motor Skills

Using small muscles working with the brain and nervous system to control movements in areas such as the hands, fingers, lips, tongue and eyes. Developing fine motor skills helps children do things like eating, writing, manipulating objects and getting dressed.


All students are given the opportunity to earn an education, no matter what language they speak. Being able to access their native language for support ensures that non-English speakers can progress academically alongside their English-speaking peers.

Receptive & Expressive Language

Receptive language is what a child is able to understand when you are talking to him, such as listening, reading and watching. Expressive language is what a child is able to say or tell you, such as speaking, writing and signing. Each child may have different forms of communication skill levels depending on the specific skill being observed.

Mathematical concepts

Students can gain confidence in their ability to solve math problems and improve their computational skills, which will benefit them throughout their academic careers as concepts and problems become more complex.

Emergent literacy

Prepares preschoolers for success in kindergarten and gives them a strong foundation in oral language and literacy such as engaging in shared storybook reading, to write or draw, incorporating literacy themes into play, and engaging in oral wordplay such as rhyming.

Self-help skills

When students practice self-help skills such as feeding and dressing themselves, they practice their large and small motor skills, gain confidence in their ability to try new things and build their self-esteem and pride in their independence.

When does each Term start?

Term 1
September – November

Term 2
December – March

Term 3
April – July

SJC Pre-Nursery provides the following subjects

Circle Time

Story Time



Chinese, English, Mandarin

Physical Education




General Knowledge