Tuition and Fees

SJC 2023-2024SJC Grade Level2023-2024 Monthly Tuition Fee
Early Years PN (AM & PM)$7400 (11 months)
Lower KindergartenK1 Half Day$6700 (12 months)
K1 Whole Day$8200 (12 months)
Upper KindergartenK2$8200 (12 months)
K3$8200 (12 months)
Lower PrimaryP1$7600 (10 months)
P2$7600 (10 months)
P3$7700 (10 months)

Upper Primary 
P4$7700 (10 months)
P5$7800 (10 months) 
P6$7800 (10 months) 

In addition to tuition fees, payment of other fees such as usage fee, ECA/ CCA fees, uniform, lunch and school bus. Fees vary according to grade level. 

Fees charged are subject to EDB’s approval.