Primary Overview

During these formative years, our Primary education aims to provide a well-rounded and holistic learning experience that nurtures our students academically, socially and emotionally.

Located at our 143 Campus, our Primary section’s curriculum focuses on fundamental subjects like English, Chinese, Math, General Studies, Moral Education, Mandarin, Music, Art, Physical Education and Information Communication Technology (ICT). Our goal is to lay strong solid ground work in these core areas, fostering literacy, numeracy and a broad understanding of themselves and the world.

Through collaborative activities, group projects and extracurricular activities our students will have the opportunity to build strong friendships, and learn to develop their own interests and talents. 

Core Curriculum

Student centered approach is implemented in SJC. diversified learning and teaching methodologies are adapted to suit the diverse personalities and needs of our students. The approaches of learning and teaching are as follows:

Blended Learning

Revolutionizes the way we learn by seamlessly integrating digital resouces and virtual engagement with the conventional in-person classroom experience.

Project Learning

A teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex questions, problems, or challenge.

Excursions & Visits

A planned school activity that is conducted outside of the school grounds that aims to maximise students’ learning and development, provides an opportunity to learners to visit differnet places across the world for their academia enhancement.

Technology-based Learning

Use of computer-based technology, such as software applications and multimedia tools, to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom.


Inspire students to do their best – become more inquisitive, research independently and learn to work with others. Develop resilience, perseverance, and tenacity.

Theme-based Learning

A vehicle to teach project and problem based learning, inquiry, experiental educational, place-based learning, social and emotional learning.

When does each Term start?

Term 1
September – November

Term 2
December – March

Term 3
April – July

SJC Primary provides the following subjects

General Studies

Computer Studies I.C.T

Moral Education



English, Mandarin, Mainstream Chinese CSL

Physical Education



The 7 learning goals we aim for our students to pursue are:

Attainment of Knowledge

Through experience, the act of learning or gaining information, understanding or insight from personal and/or collective compilation of knowledge.

Develop Proper Values and Attitudes

Influence and experience that develops over time through the connections with family, friends, society and life experiences.

Enhance Language Skills

Ability to communicate with others and express your thoughts and informations to others.

Improve Reading and Information Literacy

Ability to understand oral language, read fluently, and write well. To help students with the collection of skills to be able to find, understand, evaluate and use infomation.

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle encompasses a number of elements, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, quality sleep, and adequate hydration. Absolutely essential to improve your quality of life and longevity.

Acquire Generic Skills

Versatile skills such as communications, teamwork, time management, critical thinking, problem-solving and leadership. Skillsets that are important for their future.

Establish Cultural Identity

Cultural identity is a critical piece of student’s identity (and worldview) that develops as they absorb, interpret, and adopt(or reject) the beliefs, values, and behaviours, and the norm of the communities in their life. Our cultural identity can evolve, as culture is ever-evolving and dynamic.